Legal Hunting Equipment
Legal Firearms
- Crows may not be hunted with rifles or handguns larger than .22 caliber rimfire or with muzzleloaders larger than .40 caliber unless a modern gun or muzzleloading deer season, bear season or coyote season is open.
- Crows may not be hunted with shotguns using slugs or shot larger than T shot.
Electronic Calls
Crows may be hunted with the aid of electronic calls
Legal Shooting Hours
Legal shooting hours for crows are from 30 minutes before sunrise to sunset.
Licenses Needed
- Hunters 16 and older must have a valid Arkansas hunting license.
- Hunters do not need to register with the Harvest Information Program or possess any migratory bird stamps to hunt crows.
Baiting Laws for Crows
- Crows may not be hunted over bait.
- Baiting standards for crows are the same as those for doves. .