White Rock WMA
Zone | County |
670 | Madison |
- 2023-24 Closed Seasons
- Alligator
- 2023-24 Crow
- Sept. 1, 2023-Feb. 19, 2024. Open Thursdays through Mondays only. No limit.
- 2023-24 Deer
- Deer Archery: Sept. 23, 2023-Feb. 29, 2024
Deer Muzzleloader: Oct. 21-29, 2023 and Dec. 9-11, 2023
Deer Modern Gun: Nov. 11- Dec. 3, 2023 and Dec. 26-28, 2023
Deer Modern Gun Mobility Impaired Hunt (permit hunt): Oct. 21-22, 2023
Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. 4-5, 2023 and Jan. 6-7, 2024WMA Deer Bag Limit: Three deer, no more than two antlered bucks, which may include:- Two antlered bucks with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun,
- Three antlerless with archery,
- One antlerless with muzzleloader or modern gun.
- During youth hunt, youths may take three deer, two antlered bucks and one antlerless.
- During mobility impaired permit hunt, mobility impaired hunters may take three deer, two antlered bucks and one antlerless.
Deer Notes:
- No antler restrictions.
- No dogs.
- 2023-24 Quail
- Nov. 1, 2023-Feb. 5, 2024. Daily limit – 6, possession limit -12.
- 2023-24 Rabbit
- Sept. 1, 2023-Feb. 29, 2024. Daily limit – 8, possession limit – 16.
- 2024-25 Squirrel
- May 15, 2024-Feb. 28, 2025. Dogs allowed. No dogs allowed Nov. 11-19. Daily limit – 12, possession limit – 48.
- 2023 Bear
- Bear Archery: Sept. 13-Nov. 30, 2023
Bear Muzzleloader: Oct. 21-29, 2023
Bear Modern Gun: Nov. 11-30, 2023
Bear Modern Gun Youth Hunt: Nov. 5-6, 2023Bear Notes:- Statewide bag limit
- No dogs
- Bear seasons close earlier if bear zone quota is reached.
- 2024 Turkey
- Youth Hunt: April 6-7, 2024. One legal turkey.
Firearms Hunt: April 15-May 5, 2024. One legal turkey.
- About the Name
- Takes its name from a prominent mountain in the area of the same name.
- Access
- Numerous Federal and State Highways and County Roads can access the area. US HWY 71 constitutes the western boundary of the area with large highway directional signs marking access roads at the towns of Winslow and Mountainburg. Access from the north can be obtained off State Hwy. 16 by way of several county and Forest Service Roads located at Dutton, Delaney, Combs, St. Paul and Pettigrew. The area can be easily accessed from the south off Interstate 40 from State Hwy 103 at Clarksville, State Highway 23 (often called the “Pig Trail”) at Ozark and Highway 71 at Alma.
- Age
- The area was officially designated in 1976.
- Area Notes
- A free annual General Use Permit (WMP) is required to hunt or trap on WMAs. Permits are available online by clicking “Buy Licenses” at agfc.com or by calling 833-345-0325 or any regional office.
- CWD regulations apply.
- No antler restrictions for buck harvest.
- Contact the USDA Forest Service for a mobility impaired modern gun permit application at 479-667-2191. Refer to USDA Forest Service website for more information.
- Area Type
- Camping
- Developed camping and picnic areas are located at Shores Lake, Horsehead Lake, Wolf Pen, Redding, White Rock Mountain and Turner Bend.
- Description
- The area is situated in the heart of the rugged Boston Mountains in Northwest Arkansas. The area is extensively forested with upland hardwoods occurring primarily on northern and eastern aspects and shortleaf pine and pine/hardwood mixtures on the southern and western exposures. Deep hollows and steep benched ridges best describe the terrain. The Mulberry River, a popular canoeing, kayaking and fishing stream runs through the southern part of the area. The area is very rugged with deep hollows, steep benched ridges and precipitous bluffs. The area has 4 major lakes; Shores Lake, Horsehead Lake, Lake Ft Smith and Lake Shepherd Springs.
- Hunting Opportunities
- The area provides fair to good public hunting and trapping opportunities during most years for squirrels, deer, wild turkeys, black bear and furbearers. Hunters should expect to observe fairly dramatic increases or decreases in squirrel and wild turkey numbers from year to year as well as changes in habitat preference by deer and black bears. Dependence on fickle mast crops for winter food sources often results in cyclic fluctuations in reproduction and survival for some species and shifts in habitat use by others when mast is scarce.
- Location
- It lies in parts of Franklin, Johnson, Crawford, Madison and Washington Counties. It is situated 13 miles north of Ozark, 14 miles northwest of Clarksville and 25 miles southeast of Fayetteville.
- Management Practices
- The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission and the U.S. Forest Service work closely together to manage the wildlife and fisheries resources on all National Forest lands including the White Rock WMA. Multiple strategies including conservative hunting seasons, more intensive law enforcement efforts and habitat improvement projects are utilized. Habitat improvement projects consist of managed permanent openings that are mowed and/or replanted on a planned schedule, construction of waterholes and coordination of forest management practices, including timber harvests and controlled burns that create general forest habitat diversity. Monitoring the general health of wildlife populations and their habitats is also a very important component of a balanced wildlife management program. Biological check stations are utilized to collect data and develop baseline information over time which is used as a benchmark for which to compare annual fluctuation rates in such things as antler measurements, age, and average body weights for deer and other game species. Spotlight counts for deer and drumming surveys for ruffed grouse provide long-term trend information on the relative abundance and distribution of these species. Radio telemetry tracking of black bears and wild turkeys has provided valuable information about reproduction, mortality, survival and habitat use and preferences for these species. Projects such as these have been ongoing in around the White Rock WMA for years.
- Ownership
- USDA Forest Service • 361,994 acresThe 280,000 acre White Rock WMA lies within the proclamation boundary of the main division of the Ozark National Forest. Most of the land within the area is federally owned and is administered by the U. S. Forest Service. There are privately owned tracts of land scattered throughout the area that may be legally posted against trespass.
- Phone
- 833-340-7506
- Purpose
- The area is cooperatively managed by the U.S. Forest Service and the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission under the provisions of a Memorandum of Understanding between the two agencies. The purpose of the area is to more intensively manage the wildlife resources of the area for the benefit of the people of the state and nation.
- Recreation Other Than Hunting
- Fishing opportunities are numerous in Lakes Ft. Smith, Shepherd Springs, Horsehead Lake, Shores Lake and the Mulberry River and its many tributaries. Canoeing on the Mulberry river and hiking the Ozark Highlands Trail are also very popular outdoor activities. Driving through the area observing the abundant wildlife and viewing wildflowers in the spring and the fall colors in autumn can be breathtaking. There are several developed camping, picnic and swimming areas scattered throughout the WMA. Contact the U.S. Forest Service offices at Ozark, 501-667-2191, or Clarksville, 501-754-2864, for additional information. Bee Rock is a large rock formation west of Cass where hives of honeybees make their home. Spy Rock is a natural rock formation east of Cass. Old Railroad Tram where steam locomotives on tracks were used to haul timber from Cass to Crosses shortly after the turn of the century. Cass Job Corps is an U.S. Department of Agriculture facility where youth across the nation are taught skills and trades.
- Restaurants and Other Facilities
- Several motels are located in Ozark, Clarksville and Mulberry. A variety of restaurants are located in Ozark, St Paul, Mulberry and Clarksville. Supplies and wildlife check stations can be found at Ozark, Clarksville, Mulberry, St Paul, Turner Bend, Oark, Combs, Crosses and Pettigrew. White Rock Mountain Cabins; Cass Job Corps; canoe rentals are available in the Cass area.
- Safety
- Watch for snakes in summer and fall. Keep food apart from sleeping quarters as bears occasionally visit camps. Mosquitoes, ticks and chiggers are abundant in warmer months. If going in the backcountry be prepared, 4WD spare, clothing, food, chainsaw and compass. Topographic maps are very helpful. When canoeing or camping near the Mulberry River prepare for sudden rises in water levels, after rains.