Arkansas Game & Fish Commission Wed, 17 Jul 2024 20:09:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 AGFC forest management earns high marks in independent audit Wed, 17 Jul 2024 18:06:20 +0000 The post AGFC forest management earns high marks in independent audit appeared first on Arkansas Game & Fish Commission.


LITTLE ROCK — On the surface, cutting trees to make more trees may sound a bit counterintuitive, but that’s exactly what the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission is doing, and according to the results of a recent audit, it’s just the right medicine for some of the forests under the AGFC’s care.

The audit was completed by Bureau Veritas Certification’s lead auditor, who has 22 years of expertise in forestry and wildlife management. Henry Gray Hurricane Lake Wildlife Management Area, Mike Freeze Wattensaw WMA and George H. Dunklin Jr. Bayou Meto WMA were visited to inspect site conditions to ensure the AGFC’s forestry practices stayed within the updated Sustainable Forestry Initiative® standards set in 2022, to which the AGFC had previously met or exceeded since 2021.

Not only did all conditions continue to meet or exceed the new standards in the 2024 audit, but the AGFC’s work in greentree reservoir management and improving the health of the forest associated with GTRs earned the issuance of a notable practice indicator during the audit.

“Our goal on GTRs is to promote the red oak component, which provides hard mast for a variety of wildlife, including mallards,” Rob Willey, AGFC Habitat Program coordinator, said. “Past management regimes have been detrimental to this component of the bottomland hardwoods in and around GTRs, and we are working to select the most healthy remnants of that forest and remove their competition through variable retention harvest, encouraging natural regeneration of red oaks to take the place of those less desirable species that have infiltrated the forest.”

Willey points out that he’s already seeing some excellent regeneration of the red oak component of the forest appearing where undesirable or competing trees were removed from the canopy, and aerial flights during the 2023-24 waterfowl season show that many of the areas that underwent variable retention harvest have a considerable amount of overhead cover to retain waterfowl during winter.

“A 40 percent reduction in basal area was prescribed for Bayou Meto,” Willey said. “Post-harvest plot-level evaluations have identified that the residual basal area aligns exactly with those prescribed targets.”

Another mention by auditors on site conditions was the fact that very little rutting takes place on AGFC sites. According to the audit, this is because the AGFC’s wet weather contingency plans include soil types and requires loggers to move to different locations of a sale or postpone harvest completely in the event of wet soil conditions. The resulting sites were “remarkable given most selection harvests were in very wet bottomland areas.”

Images of areas undergoing timber sales for forest stand improvement sometimes circulate on forums and social media, showing bare dirt or debris left behind. As part of the AGFC’s contract requirements, loggers must remove as much limb debris as possible before leaving the site, but some remnants tend to remain in place. A certain amount of debris can be beneficial for wildlife to use as cover until vegetation begins to grow from the increased sunlight penetration promoted by harvest.

“There are a few places where an acre or so is used as a staging area for trucks, but loader sets are developed at a rate of one per 40 acres of harvest operation,” Willey said. “In most cases, a variable retention harvest still retains a good amount of mature trees, but it allows enough sunlight through to get more vegetation growing on the ground. That’s habitat and year-round food for many species of wildlife. And the mature red oaks left behind will see increased opportunity to create acorns for wildlife in winter and to grow the next forest.”

The AGFC is responsible for 365,000 acres of land in Arkansas, 295,000 of which is forested and included in the SFI program. During the last five years only 5,982 of those acres have seen harvests.

“AGFC-managed forests are growing more than 407,000 tons of forest product every year, and in the last five years, we’ve only harvested 10.24 percent of a single year’s annual growth,” Willey said.

Willey says it can be a challenge to complete timber harvests on AGFC properties because the quality of the trees being removed is not high enough to entice many contractors, and the traditionally wet site conditions can drastically shorten the time period contractors have to work.

“It’s not uncommon to have timber sales that take up to five years or more to complete,” Willey said.

According to the AGFC’s Fiscal Year 2024 Annual Report, due to be published soon, the AGFC received a total of $370,660 through timber sales from July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024. In comparison, the $25 additional fee for sales of Conservation License Plates contributed three times that amount at $1.1 million during the same time period.

“Revenue generated from the sale of forest products is not considered in the planning process of our forest improvement efforts,” Willey said. “However; as stewards of this resource it is our responsibility to ensure these products are sold at a fair market price. We need to remove trees for the overall health of the forest and wildlife habitat value.

Willey also points out that any revenue derived through timber sales is required by law to go right back into work on AGFC-managed WMAs. In many cases, this revenue doesn’t cover the expense of other forest management practices conducted on the same WMA.

There’s no doubt that harvest can be controversial, especially in some of the state’s most popular hunting areas, but these areas require a certain amount of disturbance and removal to keep them producing the highest quality habitat possible, that same habitat that has made them popular hunting places to begin with.




Flights conducted during winter show a duck’s eye view of forest conditions at Bayou Meto after variable retention harvest opened the canopy to promote the next generation of red-oak dominated forest.

Each tree cut for harvest on AGFC WMAs is marked and approved by a professional forester to ensure the residual stand meets the agency’s wildlife management objectives.

Increased sunlight on the forest floor will enable growth of herbaceous cover to benefit wildlife year-round.

An example of excellent red oak regeneration on AGFC WMAs after a variable retention harvest.

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AGFC works with private landowners to open new water for angling Tue, 16 Jul 2024 16:16:03 +0000 The post AGFC works with private landowners to open new water for angling  appeared first on Arkansas Game & Fish Commission.


LITTLE ROCK — Anglers looking for a new honey hole may be able to score some fishing time at a few new private waters this year, thanks to three landowners who joined the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s Public Access to Private Waters initiative.

Public access to water is abundant in Arkansas, but there’s always room to add a few more places to wet a line in The Natural State, so the AGFC developed a practice in its new Conservation Incentive Program to do just that.

Six of the nine practices in the AGFC’s Conservation Incentive Program focus on land management efforts landowners can use to improve the quality of wildlife habitat on their property, but three had fisheries-based components. The Public Access to Private Waters practice is the only incentive targeted at expanding access for fishing.

“It really serves two purposes,” Vic DiCenzo, assistant chief of the AGFC’s Fisheries Division said. “People who win a permit have access to a fishery that receives very little, if any pressure. And the landowner gets help with managing their fishery.”

DiCenzo explained that many private ponds can become crowded with too many predators, stunting the whole population.

“There are a lot of bass-heavy ponds that need more harvest, but the landowner can’t keep up with the number of fish that need to be removed,” DiCenzo said. “Anglers who win one of these permits will be able to harvest fish at statewide limits and help balance the fishery.”

In addition to the added harvest, landowners will receive technical assistance on how they can best manage their water, including advice on topics such as stocking rates, fertilization, water-quality issues and shoreline stabilization.

“We can’t stock the lakes directly, but we can offer the expertise on how much and what to stock,” DiCenzo said.

Anglers can gain access through a drawn permit system similar to the one used for the AGFC’s extremely successful Waterfowl Rice Incentive Conservation Enhancement Program.

Descriptions of each available private access can be found at Public Access to Private Waters. To apply for one of the sites, visit and click the “Fishing” Category. The CIP-Public Access to Private Fishing Waters Permit will be one of the options available. Permits are valid for a full Saturday-Sunday period, and applications are available Thursday-Sunday the weekend immediately before the one being applied for. Applications cost $5 each, and permit winners are notified each Monday to begin preparing for their weekend. Access does not include any camping or hunting privileges and permit holders must remove all belongings and litter from the area upon their departure.

This practice of the Conservation Incentive Program is a shared component of the AGFC’s Fisheries Division and Private Lands Habitat Division. The program is funded by set aside finds from the 2023 Arkansas General Assembly.

“We appreciate our partners in the Arkansas General Assembly and Arkansas Legislative Council expressing their support for this program and approving the transfer of funds to make this possible,” Garrick Dugger, Private Lands Habitat Division chief, said. “Their continued support is vital to the success of our mission.”

Greenway Equipment is a cultivating partner of the AGFC’s Private Lands Habitat Division. Visit for more information.




Hand-launched jon boats and canoes are allowed on the private waters selected for public draw, and anglers may find some excellent action on bass, bream and catfish.

Two private ponds and one stretch of the Saline River have been added to the Public Access for Private Water practice. 

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AGFC Commissioner Meeting Notice Mon, 15 Jul 2024 21:22:23 +0000 The post AGFC Commissioner Meeting Notice appeared first on Arkansas Game & Fish Commission.


July 15, 2024

You are hereby notified that Commissioners of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission will meet on the following date and times to consider any business that may be brought before the Commission. Unless otherwise stated, meetings will be held at the AGFC offices, 2 Natural Resources Dr. in Little Rock. Click here to view the Thursday commission meeting online.

Wednesday, July 17

8 a.m.

Call to Order

Committee Chair Assignments

Budget Committee – Anne Marie Doramus, Chair

FY24 Budget FSR – Emily Shumate

Regulations Committee – Rob Finley, Chair

2024 code clarifying corrections approval – Luke Naylor

Property Management Committee – Phillip Tappan, Chair

AGFF agreement for access area projects – Ben Batten

Inventory removal/award – Austin Booth

Project Updates

Key Results – Austin Booth

GTR/Wetland Renovations- Luke Naylor and Buck Jackson

Habitat/Wildlife Health

Lake Renovations


Systems and Administration

5 p.m.

Attending Natural State Landowner Conservation Awards at the Chenal Event Venue, 21 Rahling Circle in Little Rock.

Thursday, July 18

9 a.m.

Call to Order

Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of agenda

Approval of June 20, 2024 commission meeting notes

AGFC Staff Presentations

Intern presentations

Director’s Report

Committee Meeting Reports

Commission Items

AGFF agreement; access area projects – Ben Batten

Inventory removal/award – Austin Booth

2024 code clarifying corrections approval – Luke Naylor

New Business

Old Business

Executive Session (if necessary)


If you need assistance to participate in this public meeting due to a disability as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act, please contact AGFC’s ADA Coordinator in Human Resources at 501-382-3813 prior to the scheduled meeting to request an accommodation. Every reasonable effort will be made to meet your request.

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Arkansas Wildlife Weekly Fishing Report Thu, 11 Jul 2024 19:50:01 +0000 Central Arkansas North Arkansas Northwest Arkansas Northeast Arkansas Southeast Arkansas Southwest Arkansas South-Central Arkansas West-Central Arkansas East Arkansas

The post Arkansas Wildlife Weekly Fishing Report appeared first on Arkansas Game & Fish Commission.


July 11, 2024

Jim Harris

Managing Editor Arkansas Wildlife Magazine

When Lou Gabric sent in this photo of a whopper striped bass in late June, he said the ongoing striper bite was awesome on Norfork Lake, with other species biting, too. Lou has featured a series of great striper photos on his Hummingbird Hideaway Resort website over the past few weeks. Last week, the hybrid striped bass bite and white bass bite were both on, with Lou and his daughter seeing fish in 70-80 feet of water near a creek channel swing and landing them in 50-60 feet. They were jigging Binks Spoons for the whites and White Trash Tater Shads for the bigger fish. Like everywhere else we’re hearing from these days, you’ve got to start early (by 6 a.m.) and you’ll be wrapped up around 8 a.m. fishing on Norfork Lake, if you follow Lou’s recommendations.

Reports are updated weekly, although some reports may be published for two weeks if updates are not received promptly or if reporters say conditions haven’t changed. Contact the reporter listed for the lake or stream you plan to fish for current news.

Arkansas River and White River levels are available at:

For real-time information on stream flow in Arkansas from the U.S. Geological Survey, visit:

For water-quality statistics (including temperature) in many Arkansas streams and lakes, visit:

Download the Fish Brain app and follow AGFC at:

Quick links to regions:


Central Arkansas

Craig D. Campbell Lake Conway Reservoir
For the most up-to-date lake level, visit the U.S. Geological Survey’s Lake Conway water level site.

NOTE: Lake Conway recently experienced a fish kill due to low oxygen levels. Most fish affected were non-game fish (such as drum, shad and yellow bass), but some game fish also died. Fish kills like this are likely to happen throughout a lake renovation when water levels are low and temperatures are high. Daily limits are still lifted, and harvest of catches is highly encouraged. The AGFC thanks anglers for their support and patience. For more Lake Conway renovation project updates, see

(updated 7-5-2024) Bates Field and Stream (501-470-1846) said the water has really fallen out of the main fishing areas now with the water allowed to flow out for the planned Lake Conway renovation by the AGFC. The big thing is anglers catching lots of big catfish at the dam. “Catfish is what everybody is catching now,” they said. “Big ones, too, coming up from the bottom.” These are predominantly channel catfish, some blues and a few flatheads. Definitely eating-size channels and blues.
Gar is also being seen around the dam in the water left there. The lake is extremely low. “They are catching whatever they can.” 

They hear reports of crappie being caught in the Toad Suck area, and anglers are going to nearby Bearverfork for bass fishing. They are selling a lot of spinnerbaits and Pop-R style baits, along with lizards and soft plastic worms.

Lake Conway has no creel or length limits while the lake is in its drawdown phase as part of the AGFC’s renovation project. All fish may be kept; in fact, it’s encouraged, hence the no limit regulation. Still chances to stock up on crappie and others for the freezer.
Also, the Lake Conway nursery pond is open for fishing with the AGFC stocking various sport fish there. The pond is more than 60 acres and has bass, crappie and bream.


Little Red River
For the Army Corps of Engineers’ real-time outflow report from Greers Ferry Dam, visit the Corps’ Little Rock office website or by calling (501) 362-5150). Also check the Southwestern Power Administration website to see forecast generation schedule.

(updated 7-11-2024) Mike Winkler of Little Red River Fly Fishing Trips (501-507-3688) said Wednesday, “We’ve had some much-needed rain over the past few days here in Arkansas. The rainwater collected in Greers Ferry Lake is going to be a big help in keeping the river cool during these hot summer days.
“Right now, the Little Red River is still a bit muddy around Dripping Springs Access. However, the Southwestern Power Administration has projected releases of two units of generation for seven hours starting today (July 10). This should help clear up the upper river.
“With all this rain, it’ll be interesting to see what happens with the generation schedule. It looks like SWPA might be running more water now that there’s more in Greers Ferry Lake. This extra water will be great for the fish, especially in this heat.
“The bite was good last week if you started early to beat the heat. It’s a bit early to predict the generation schedule post-rain, but fishing the falling water from the previous day’s generation is always productive. I’d recommend using flies like Pheasant Tail Soft Hackles, Guide’s Choice Hare’s Ear, San Juan Worms and Midges.

“Try fishing the deep water near moss beds, and anywhere we’re there is some current.”


Greers Ferry Lake
For the Army Corps of Engineers’ real-time lake level and outflow report from Greers Ferry Dam, visit the Corps’ Little Rock office website.

(updated 7-11-2024) Tommy Cauley of Fishfinder Guide Service (501-940-1318) said the water level at Greers Ferry Lake is at 460.95 feet msl, which is 1.59 feet below normal pool. Not much else has changed other than more and more fish are coming up on top schooling in different parts of the lake and rivers. Power generation has picked up with the Southwestern Power Administration generating 4-5 hours in afternoons, which will help oxygenation in the lake and the river below the dam as well. Also it will help with the bite as well — all species of game fish are eating off and on at opportune times. Most species now are getting and staying out where they will summer at and staying on structure where you can really work on them. 

For crappie, try super shallow and out to 30 feet and use jigs, minnows or crankbaits. A lot of fish are migrating to cooler areas in timber where a lot of bait will spend summer, so fishing straight up and down is a must when seeking crappie. Walleye are eating in the main lake, and for the few that are left up rivers, drag a crawler or crankbait in 28-50 feet. Some walleye are following under big schools of white bass and hybrid bass — use a spoon for those. And, just like crappie it’s time for a lot of them to head to the timber and hang out for the rest of summer into fall, as water is a little cooler and more bait fish are there as well. A spoon is best for that vertical fishing in 10-50 feet. 

Hybrid striped bass and white bass are trying to get set up in main lake for the summer, while some are roaming and schooling on top. For the ones that are set, use spoons, inline spinners, grubs and swimbaits in 25-60 feet. Catfish have started showing up more regularly, and the usual catfish baits are working in the lake and rivers. Some bream are shallow but most are still around 8-30 feet; crickets and crawlers are working fine for them, as well as inline spinners. Some loner black bass are shallow, but most are out or roaming shallow and schooling. Use Carolina rig, topwater lures, wake baits, drop-shots, crankbaits and spinnerbaits for best action super shallow out to 60 feet. Be safe and wear your life jacket.


Harris Brake Lake
(updated 7-11-2024) Harris Brake Lake Resort (501-889-2745) said anglers have been catching catfish. Most catches are on trotlines baited early in the morning, and they are catching cats in the 3-4-pound range. Bream are also biting well off the shoreline on crickets and redworms. Bass are reported to be biting for boat anglers near the big island in the lake. One angler fishing for bass also was catching some crappie — not many, but a few that were big in size and biting minnows.

The best fishing is very early in the morning 5-6 a.m. and wrapping up by 10 a.m., then back to it after 5 p.m. and into the evening.


Lake Overcup
(updated 7-11-2024) John “Catfish” Banks at Overcup Landing off Arkansas Highway 9 said the lake’s water level is about 2 feet high from 5 inches of rain. Clarity is murky at best but clearing quickly. Surface temperature is around 85 degrees.
Bass are doing well on Cajun Spin and buzzbaits and plastic worms. 

Crappie are in the deeper water; nobody has been fishing for them lately. 

Catfish are doing well on trotlines and jugs using bass minnows and bream.

Bream were doing well on crickets and redworms before all this water. One family came out and caught 130 in about 5 hours.


Lake Maumelle
(updated 7-11-2024) WestRock Landing in Roland (501-658-5598) noted a temperature being a little cooler this week, ranging 86-89 degrees. The largemouth bass bite overall remains fair. Anglers report bass schooling in the mornings and evenings. They can be found shallow in the mornings and evenings in 2-4 feet, with others being noted in deeper water, 12-20 feet. Fish points and drop-offs. Drop-shots, Texas-rigged worms, topwater baits and crankbaits are best. Spotted bass (i.e. Kentucky bass) are fair as well, with anglers catching them on points in 8-20 feet of water as well as around drop-offs. Drop-shots and crankbaits are working for these fish. Similar results to last week were seen Tuesday night in the weekly black bass tournament, with Brandon Crain and Matt Hedrick hauling in 14.7 pounds with their five-bass stringer. Cameron Nesterenko and Andrew Wooley were just behind them, catching 14.30 pounds with a Big Bass of 5.49 pounds.
Crappie and bream continue to provide the best bite on the lake. Crappie are being caught in good numbers and size, as they are suspended around brush anywhere from 16 to 21 feet. Jigs and minnows are the baits of choice. Bream are good, with bluegill being very active. Find them both around 6-10 feet and in shallower at 3- feet. Crickets, worms and drop-shots are catching them.

White bass and catfish reports haven’t come in for a while, but they can still be caught. White bass are best using twister tails during this time, while catfish should be attracted to small bream, liver or live worms.


Arkansas River at Morrilton
For the real-time water flow at the Ormond Lock and Dam and Morrilton stage level, visit the Corps’ Little Rock office website


Little Maumelle River
(update 7-11-2024) Ray Hudson at River Valley Marina (501-517-1250) said the Little Maumelle was a mud river for a while this week after 5-6 inches of rainfall earlier in the week, but there are signs of clearing. It’s still on the murky side but is at normal river pool. Further up into the Little Maumelle the clearer it will be, but at the marina it murky. Two days ago it was “chocolate milk” he said, and it will still be a couple of days before it gets really clear again. “Catfish ought to be good because of the water moving,” he said. “I haven’t seen anybody out since the rain.”

Before that, anglers were still catching lots of black bass mostly on crankbaits and soft plastic worms. Some were also using spinners and catching a few. Bream were being caught also; they were up shallow and biting crickets and worms.


Arkansas River (Maumelle Pool)
For the real-time water flow at the Toad Suck Lock and Dam, visit the Corps’ Little Rock office website


Arkansas River (Little Rock Area Pools)
For the real-time water flow at the Murray Lock and Dam and David D. Terry Lock and Dam, as well as the Little Rock pool stage level, visit the Corps’ Little Rock office website.

(updated 6-27-2024) Fish ’N Stuff (501-834-5733) reports that largemouth bass and Kentucky bass (spots) are biting in 10-12 feet around jetties. Anglers are having best success throwing a shaky head with a Zoom Trick Worm, along with deep-diving crankbaits in a shad pattern.

Bluegill are biting on the shallow flats in 5-6 feet water. Crickets and redworms rigged on a bobber rig have them biting about a foot deep.

Crappie are being caught in water that is ranging from 8-10 feet and anywhere that you can find structure. A one-eighth-ounce jig in white and chartreuse or a Crappie Magnet is what’s catching the most.

Water clarity of the pool is stained to muddy with about a half-foot to a foot of visibility.


Peckerwood Lake
(updated 6-27-2024) Donna Mulherin at Herman’s Landing (501-626-6899) said anglers say that “right now the hot species of the lake are the catfish and bream” As for crappie, some are having success trolling and others are spider-rigging underwater structure for bites.

Catfish are biting hot dogs and liver, and also some live bait such as shiners, shad and bream are great to use. 

Early morning and evening topwater is working now for the black bass. Donna also said, “Right now it seems that the bass anglers are the ones that are rarely left empty-handed.”
Bream have seen an increase in overall activity, the full moon playing its part. Crickets and worms are the most popular bait for bream.

“We’re level full and a little dingy, but not that bad. About normal for Peckerwood,” she said of the water conditions.


North Arkansas

White River
(updated 7-11-2024) Cotter Trout Dock (870-435-6525) said Bull Shoals Lake elevation measured 660.91 feet msl Wednesday, below the targeted power pool of 661 feet, with generation continuing its schedule of minimum flows in the morning, raising a little earlier than it has been, to almost 12,000 cfs (four generators). Hurricane Beryl brought one day of steady rain, but the impact on the water levels in our lakes and rivers was minimal.

The recent rain did provide the trout with a bounty of food, so look for something shiny to catch their attention. Rainbows are hitting gold spinners and pink and white PowerBait mouse tails (scented manufactured worms topped with white PowerBait). The ever-popular red/gold hammered Thomas Buoyant Spoon is living up to its reputation by adding to the creel count. As always, keep a cup of nightcrawlers or redworms on hand during the late afternoon rise in water and play them close to the banks just a foot or so below the surface.

Early morning is the best time to be on the river casting crawdad tails or crawfish crankbaits near the bank. Browns have been hiding in the remaining deep holes and biting on sculpin and crawdad tails. Wouldn’t hurt to cast a Rebel WeeCraw or TeenyCraw and watch for a chase.

“Treat yourself to some time on the river. You’ll return home refreshed, revived and thankful for all the great outdoors The Natural State has to offer.”

(updated 7-11-2024) Dave McCulley, owner of Jenkins Fishing Service in Calico Rock, said, “This week we have seen an almost daily repeating water level with depths as low as 3 feet in the morning with a rise to a depth as high as 7 feet. During higher water, using Uncommon Baits UV eggs in neo pink and corn with or without silver inline spinners worked best while drift-fishing. When the water was low and clear, quarter-ounce Thompson Colorado Spoons in nickel/gold worked very well. We also saw success using Rapala Countdown CD5 in silver/black.
“Although we got a lot of rain Monday evening through Tuesday afternoon, the Buffalo River didn’t rise too much. By Wednesday morning, Calico Rock was seeing dingy but definitely fishable water. As of Wednesday Norfork Lake was about 4 feet above the power pool while Bull Shoals remained below the power pool level. Norfork Dam has been generating daily during the work week between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. while Bull Shoals Dam has been generating in the afternoons into the night.”


Bull Shoals Lake
For the Army Corps of Engineers’ real-time outflow report from Bull Shoals Dam, visit the Corps’ Little Rock office website.

(updated 7-5-2024) Fishing guide Del Colvin at Bull Shoals Lake (815-592-4302) said Thursday night that lake level has fallen to around 660 feet msl, now a foot below the listed summertime conservation pool. The Army Corps of Engineers has continued running some big water through the dam. Water temperature is around 85 degrees, give or take. 

Bass are set up on summer areas and patterns. Shad are spread out from the back off the creek out to the main lake. Check deeper water points, ledges, drop-offs and channel swings and saddles. “Get up early, or if it’s cloudy, rainy and windy hit the surface with topwater. Smaller sizes are working best for me, a Zara Spook, Pop-R, Lucky Craft Gunfish, wake baits in shad patterns. As the sun gets up, try a 2.8 swimbait, especially if there’s wind, or a Flutter Spoon. That will keep the bite going.
“Once the sun gets up, a lot the fish will move out over deep water. You can follow them out there — try a drop-shot, Robo Worm or shad-shape worm or Tater Shad. 

“If we get rain, I’ll powerfish covering water. Try a buzzbait if it’s windy and cloudy, or a frog/toad if it’s sunny, over submerged flooded bushes. You can still catch them on points with a small Jewel Peewee Jig in green pumpkin orange or a tube or a shaky head in 10-20 feet early, then 25-30 feet. Keep the boat out for deep long casts.

“There’s a lot of activity in the 15 feet range. You can also go up there with a big worm, a Beaver or Salt Craw early or late. Shallower brush piles closer to deep water in less than 25-30 feet are holding some fish.

“Overall summer patterns are here. Suspended fish in large groups are roaming; if you can find ’em with the front looker, you can get right in a hurry. Fish the conditions.

Del regularly posts new YouTube videos. Visit his YouTube site (Bull Shoals Lake Fishing Report) for more information and tips on fishing Bull Shoals Lake.

(updated 7-5-2024) Southernwalleye Guide Service (501-365-1606) says walleye have slowed down but are still being caught. “We’re pulling nightcrawler harnesses in 25-30 feet with 2-ounce bottom bouncers on primary and secondary points with gold or orange blades with orange bead patterns. Also, just a No. 4 split shot and No. 2 Aberdeen hook and nightcrawler, work slowly around groups of fish, will catch some. More small fish in the 16- to 17-inch size are being caught than legal-size (18 or more inches) fish.

Spooning with a three-quarter-ounce white spoon in deeper water off main lake points in 40-50 feet will also get some fish. 

“Here’s hoping the lake will stabilize soon and fishing will improve around the thermocline.” 

(updated 7-5-2024) Crappie 101 Guide Service (870-577-2045) says crappie seem to be moving deeper and are definitely pickier, as the jig bite has slowed down a lot. Minnows and 4-pound line help, but they are still finicky. Just keep moving until you find fish that will cooperate.


Norfork Lake
For the Army Corps of Engineers’ real-time outflow report from Norfork Dam, visit the Corps’ Little Rock office website

(updated 7-11-2024) Lou Gabric at Hummingbird Hideaway Resort (870-492-5113) said had no new reports, but he posts fishing reports nearly every day to his blog on the Hummingbird Hideaway Resort webpage.


Northwest Arkansas

Beaver Lake
For the Army Corps of Engineers’ real-time outflow report from Beaver Lake Dam, visit the Corps’ Little Rock office website.

(updated 7-11-2024) Jon Conklin with FishOn Guide Service (479-233-3474) said Beaver Lake is staying right around normal pool level. The water temperature dropped a bit to the mid-80s. Fishing is definitely in the summer pattern, which means early or late and fish the thermocline.
Stripers are again really good this last week. Look from Point 6 down to the dam. Shad brooders and bluegill will work. Again early or earlier is the ticket.
Crappie have been fair on trolled cranks. Same story, as early is your best option. Bandit 300s trolled at 75 feet back at 1.8 mph have been working lately. Places to troll are any flats in 25-35 feet of water.
Walleye have been good some days and they disappear the next. Look for them in 25 feet of water and troll crawler harnesses for best success.
Catfish doing well from shore and from trotlines and jugs. Bluegill are always there to accommodate fishermen. Crickets are the bait.
“Good luck and stay safe on the lake!” Visit Jon’s Facebook page for the latest updates, FishOn Guide Service Goshen AR.


Beaver Tailwater
(updated 7-11-2024) Guide Austin Kennedy (479-244-0039) says fishing these past two weeks has been pretty good. You may have to move around a bit, but the bite does pick up as you do so. Most fish have been caught between Houseman Access and the U.S. Highway 62 bridge. The trout have been very responsive to Pautzke Fire Worms, fished on bottom, with slight movement. This is also the bait and presentation of choice when drift-fishing. Also Fire Bait, with light terminal tackle, has also produced nice numbers. You can also try pulling crankbaits in the deeper water for some bigger fish.
The water temperature has been up and down, but the Army Corps of Engineers is releasing water to keep the tailwater cool. There are still some here-and-there walleye being caught. Most catches are in the deeper holes, jigging with soft plastics.
“As summer in upon us, remember to stay hydrated, wear loose cool clothing and protect yourself from the sun. Hope you all are able to get out and catch some fish!”

Follow Austin’s fishing Facebook page (Busch Mountain Fishing Guide Service) for regular updates.


Lake Fayetteville
(updated 7-11-2024) Lake Fayetteville Boat Dock (479-444-3476) says catfish have started moving around after the rain earlier in the week and anglers reported a few bites Wednesday. Bream are still good on redworms. A couple of anglers were fishing them with crickets too, but reported that redworms were working better. If you know what you’re doing on Lake Fayetteville with the crappie and their usual locales, you can catch them — regulars reported a few smaller crappie being caught. Black bass have been really good this week on soft plastic worms and on a little topwater, but mostly the plastics.


Northeast Arkansas

Lake Charles
(updated 7-11-2024) Shelly Jeffrey at Lake Charles State Park (870-878-6595) said earlier this week that the water cooled off a bit over the last weekend. She received reports of small bream and other species of sunfish (like bluegill), as well as a few black bass being caught, and also catfish were being caught on lines.

Bream are good on worms and crickets and are relating to brush piles, stumps and rocky points. Fished the shaded areas. Black bass are fair on soft plastic worms. Find them around brush and rocky points.
There were no reports on crappie.

Water temperature on Sunday morning was 79.8 degrees. Lake Charles is regularly murky, and the water level is normal.


Lake Poinsett
(updated 7-11-2024) Jonathan Wagner at Lake Poinsett State Park said that even with the heat and rain left over from Beryl, Lake Poinsett has had numerous anglers out and about. Bream are still biting pretty well, according to reports. Anglers are mostly using live bait of crickets or worms. Bass and crappie continue to be catch-and-release, but reports of catches have been decent for the crappie; bass, not so much. Anglers have reported several-pound crappie and have expressed excitement for them eventually to be able to keep them. Primarily, anglers have been fishing early mornings and into the evenings (even with the mosquitoes).


Spring River
(updated 6-27-2024) Mark Crawford with (870-955-8300) said water flows at the Spring are at 390 cfs (350 is average) and water clarity is mostly clear. Over the last month, a lot of rain had messed up the river the previous two weeks. It is looking great this week, however. Hot, dry weather has river flows back down. Note that conditions can change with heavy rains.

“With the river looking back to normal conditions, we are having a blast with Hopper Droppers. We’re still using cicadas for the Hopper with lots of Hopper action. Best Dropper this week has been a pink worm and Y2K. There are plenty of rainbow trout with weekly stockings. Streamer action on overcast days might get you bigger fish, but our last 20-inch brown last week was on a Woolly in the middle of a hot day. The browns are there, but not liking this weather.
Smallmouth are biting great when the river isn’t high and murky. Catching a bunch on Woollies and sculpin patterns fished slow and deep. You’ve got to be committed to the slow, deep presentation and they will bite. As the river drops out, the smallmouth action should be hot for the rest of the summer.
“So, it has been hot out but the river is an ice-cold 58 degrees year-round. If temps are in the high 90s, the trout turn off after lunch, and so do we. Fish early and late to stay on the bite and hydrate. I highly recommend a nap midday.”

Check out Mark’s blog for the latest river conditions on the Spring River on his website linked above.


White River
For the Army Corps of Engineers’ real-time gauge level and flow from the White River stages at Batesville, Newport and Augusta and all other sites within the White River basin in Arkansas, visit the Corps’ Little Rock office website.


Southeast Arkansas

Arkansas River (Pine Bluff Pool)
For the real-time water flow at the Emmett Sanders Lock and Dam and Maynard Lock and Dam, as well as the Pine Bluff pool stage level, visit the Corps’ Little Rock office website.

(updated 7-11-2024) The University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff Bass Fishing Team reported that water temps are around 90 degrees. Water clarity ranges 8-12 inches. There is light flow on the main channel. Black bass are biting well, especially in the morning and evening, on shad-colored buzzbaits, shallow- to medium-diving crankbaits, and dark-colored jigs. Brush piles in Lake Langhofer and jetty points/openings on the main channel are holding fish in predictable locations. Focus on current breaks and eddies near the main channel and especially target shady spots as the sun rises. 


Cane Creek Lake
(updated 7-11-2024) Claire Humes at Cane Creek State Park (870-628-4714) said anglers were back out Tuesday, fishing with redworms and minnows for anything, as well as crickets for bream on the exterior pier. There were anglers seeking out bream with crickets at the interior pier on Wednesday.


Lake Monticello
(updated 7-11-2024) Anglers are reminded that if they venture out for some fishing on Lake Monticello now while the lake continues to refill after being renovated, that all fish caught must be released immediately.
The city of Monticello has opened Hunger Run Access to boat traffic.


Southwest Arkansas

Millwood Lake
For the Army Corps of Engineers’ real-time lake level and outflow report from Millwood Lake Dam, visit the Corps Little Rock office website.

(updated 7-5-2024) Mike Siefert at Millwood Lake Guide Service noted that the AGFC Tournament Courtesy Dock at Yarborough Landing was completed a few weeks ago. “Thank you, (AGFC regional supervisor) Dylan Hann, the AGFC, Army Corps of Engineers and everyone who made this improvement happen for Millwood Lake,” Mike said.

Millwood’s elevation is almost back to normal pool, with the lake about 5 inches above normal conservation pool at 259.6 feet msl and stable. Millwood Lake Dam is releasing about 652 cfs as of Tuesday, and the tailwater is holding near 226 feet. Check the guide service’s website linked above, or at the Army Corps of Engineers website, for updated gate release changes and inflow rates with rising and falling lake levels. Watch for random floaters and broken timber during any navigation on Little River and Millwood Lake. Lake elevation and discharge at Millwood Dam can change dramatically in mere hours with thunderstorms and fresh water influx. 

Surface temps were stable along Little River over the past week, ranging 87 degrees early to 93 degrees depending on location and the time of day. Clarity along Little River continues improving this week with decreased river current. Normal to moderate stain is found in most locations; some areas further up Little River have heaviest stain, with river clarity ranging 10-15 inches visibility depending on location. Clarity of oxbows will vary widely from normal stained to good visibility from 20-30 inches, and we observed around fair visibility in a few wind- and current-protected areas like McGuire Oxbow up to 3 feet clarity. Areas further up Little River from White Cliffs to Cossatot inflow at Wilton Landing remain more stained, and there is higher flow rates with more current.

* Not much change from last week with largemouth bass, except it’s HOT in southwestern Arkansas, folks. Largemouths around 2-3 pounds continue to be fairly consistent in the last couple of weeks, and the best bite is early on cloudy days; the topwater bite is consistent till around 9-10 a.m. Numerous bass over 9 pounds, including a few in the 10- and 11-pound class, have been caught and released over the past couple months.

Best activity continues being seen early mornings along Little River between Pugh Slough and Jack’s Isle, and Snake Creek to McIntosh Bend, near grass and vertical drops. Buzzbaits, frogs, Bass Assassins and Spit’n Images are working early. In the oxbows, near flats of 3-4 feet deep, focus on areas where a creek meanders through the flat that drops quickly into 8-10 feet structure. Locate fresh lily pad blooms, stumps and vegetation that are holding fish. Various topwater baits will get a reaction early, including frogs, Spit’n Images, Dying Flutters, soft plastic jerkbaits, 5-inch Bass Assassin Shads and buzzbaits 1 to 8 feet of depth at dawn and dusk.

Once the sun gets up above the tree line, switching over to a Brazalo Stutterbait Chatterbait with a 3.5-inch Bass Assassin Lit’L Boss swimbait trailer in Spot Remover, white/chartreuse or Millwood Mayhem Bream will draw a reaction near stumps. For deeper sections of the creek after the sun gets high, a Bill Lewis crankbait like the ATV, MR-6, and SB-57 MDJ crankbait square bills will continue getting random reaction bites from active roaming bass in the creek channels or near drops from the flats into 8-10 feet depth structure. 

For reactions from 3- to 5-point largemouths, try fat, jumbo Southern Indiana Bait Company’s 4.25-inch Monster Bass tubes on a light wire jighead, or Texas rig in black/blue or green pumpkin/purple, Brush Hogs in watermelon magic, 10-inch Power Worms in blue fleck or black and fish near stumps, lily pads, buckbrush and cypress trees. The best water clarity continues to be more reliable in the oxbows of McGuire and Clear Lake, and the bass activity levels are drastically better. Water clarity in Mud Lake and Horseshoe Lake oxbows continues to improve over the past couple of weeks. Bang Skunk Apes, Woopah Craws, Salty Rat Tail baits, jumbo magnum 8-inch lizards and Brush Hogs continue taking some decent 14- to 17-inch largemouths roaming flats in the back of the oxbows near stumps, cypress knees and lily pads. In and near shallow stumps, cypress knees and cover around 5- to 8-foot depth flats with vegetation like fresh lily pad blooms, you can get a reaction to a topwater frog or jerkbait at daylight.
* Little River has improved clarity and the white bass bite over the past couple of weeks. The reduced current has clarity much improved on primary or secondary points. White bass are roaming back down Little River to their summer spots in the main lake, but they’re pausing on these points and roaming in and out of creek dumps, too.
Heavy, three-quarter-ounce Cordell Hammered Spoons, Kastmaster Spoons in chrome/blue white Bucktails, the Bomber Fat Free Guppy or Fingerling crankbaits or the Bill Lewis MR-6 Crankbaits in Citrus Shad, Tennessee Shad and Millwood Magic colors will draw reactions. Little George’s, Rocket Shads and red/white Rooster Tails were working last week. 

* Crappie continue to improve over the past few weeks with water clarity improving in many locations. Planted brush piles in Pugh Slough, Horseshoe, Bee Lake, Millwood State Park or Saratoga continue to hold nice 12- to 15-inch crappie, and gave up some nice 2-pound slabs over the past few weeks. The crappie are best using minnows one day and jigs the next, or jigs tipped with a minnow, in planted brush piles in 10-16 feet of depth. Best color jig over the past week has been Monkey Milk one day, Electric Chicken the next, while smoke-colored grubs with a chartreuse tip tail on a light wire jig head would pick up a few extra bites.
* We are getting reports from bream fishermen along the river that they are having good success near Jack’s Isle and Hurricane Creek in recent weeks. Bream beds have been noticed near Jack’s Isle and Little River back slough pockets off the main creek channels.
* No reports on catfish.


Lake Columbia
No reports.


Lake Greeson Tailwater
For the most updated Narrows Dam generation schedule from SWEPCO, click here.


Lake Greeson
For the most updated lake level at Lake Greeson, click here.

No reports.


DeGray Lake
For the most updated lake level at DeGray Lake, click here.

(updated 6-20-2024) John Duncan of YoYo Guide Service (870-942-6291 or at Iron Mountain Marina says, “Well, it’s getting hot! Water level is 407.19 feet msl at this writing. Surface water temperature is in the high 80s.

“Full moon coming, so get ready to find those bream beds. They are there. I found several. They are all over the lake. Side scan for the ‘waffle’. Drop-shot, slip bobber, worms or crickets. It is about to be on again.

“I think the ‘big bite’ that we have been experiencing on crappie on the brush piles seems to be over. My experience tells me that when the water gets this hot, the crappie begin to move. They are in the standing timber now. That means forward-facing sonar and casting jigs or one-poling for them. Jig profile comes into a great effect this time of year. THink small. There are suspended crappie in the open water and on the sides of some piles.

“There are still bream, bass and catfish in the brush piles for the kids.

“Getting hot. Hydrate, watch for others who need help.”


De Queen Lake
For the Army Corps of Engineers’ real-time lake level and outflow report from De Queen Lake, visit the Corps’ Little Rock office website.


Dierks Lake
For the Army Corps of Engineers’ real-time lake level and outflow report from Dierks Lake, visit the Corps’ Little Rock office website.


South-Central Arkansas

White Oak Lake Area
No reports.


West-Central Arkansas

Lake Catherine Tailwater (Below Carpenter Dam)
For weekly flow releases from Carpenter Dam, visit

(updated 7-11-2024) Shane Goodner, owner of Catch’em All Guide Service, reports that water temperature below Carpenter Dam is 65 degrees with stained conditions in the tailrace. Both lakes Hamilton and Catherine are at normal summertime pool. Entergy has scheduled several days of lengthy generation time, which has lowered the tailrace water temperature and aided greatly in the reduction of grass and moss growth. Below Carpenter Dam, fly-fishermen can still wade to areas that hold numbers of trout and can have had some success casting micro-jigs in white or black under a strike indicator. This presentation perfectly matches the injured shad drawn through the turbines from Lake Hamilton. San Juan Worms offer feeding trout a different look and will often work equally well when fished in the same manner. Trout Magnets should not be overlooked by fly-anglers and often make the difference between a successful outing and an unsuccessful one. Bank fishermen using waxworms or mealworms cast with a small bobber or fished just off the bottom with a marshmallow floater can catch rainbows. Boaters can anchor in and around sandbars and rock structure and catch trout using small inline spinners such as a Rooster Tail or Mepps Spinner in brown or silver colors. 

Conditions are favorable now for effective trolling against the current. Catching a limit of rainbow trout in July should be considered a good day on the water, as the bite is very inconsistent and short in duration.
Numbers of male and female walleye remain to rest from the long-over spawning season and feed before making the move downstream to the main body of Lake Catherine. These fish can be caught by trolling shallow-running crankbaits against the current on both sides of the river below the dam. Shad or crayfish imitations work best, as both of these are present in large numbers in the lake and offer game fish a solid food source all throughout the year. 

Despite the safer conditions and warmer weather, it is extremely important to remember that fish in the tailrace have proven difficult to catch this entire year. Trout can be caught but not in the numbers that were expected in past years. Normal pool levels will bring a more consistent bite from the rainbow trout population. Patience is a must this year for anglers to have success due to the flooding and heavy flows the lake has experienced. 

Catfish spawned in the tailrace during June from the bridge to the dam and some fish were caught on cut bait fished on the bottom. These fish will offer anglers a hearty fight and some wonderful table fare.
The heat of summer brings striper action closer to Carpenter Dam as these large predator fish search for prey and cooler temperatures. Alabama rigs and large topwater lures work well when the turbines are running, which is a key ingredient for success when attempting to catch these wary predators. Entergy is scheduling a weekend release below Carpenter Dam from noon until 5 p.m. on select Saturday and Sunday mornings, which is keeping tailrace temperatures down and reducing moss growth that is rampant below the dam.
Always wear a life jacket when on the water and remember to follow all park and boating regulations. Pick up after yourself as the number of trash cans are limited in this area. Always cooperate with all wildlife officials and law enforcement.


Lake Dardanelle
For the Army Corps of Engineers’ outflow and gauge level reports from Dardanelle, visit the Corps’ Little Rock office website.

No reports.


Lake Hamilton
No reports.


Lake Nimrod
For the Army Corps of Engineers’ real-time lake level and outflow reports from Nimrod Lake, visit the Corps’ Little Rock office website.

(updated 7-3-2024) Sheila Ferrebee, owner of Carter Cove Bait-N-More (479-272-4025), says a lot of catfish are being caught. Quite a few anglers are out trying for crappie. Some who know the spots are having good luck (one angler caught 16 crappie in the brush); others are not — the lake is in a drawdown until October. Anglers are buying pounds and pounds of No. 6 crappie minnows.

A catfish angler had six or seven flathead catfish in the boat, one of which was 52 pounds measured at the dock. Try goldfish or other live bait for the catfish.

Carter Cove has a Facebook page, and the email address is, with updates and photos. Stop in for live bait, tackle, cabin rentals, pizza, burgers, sandwiches and more.


Lake Ouachita
For the current lake level at Blakely Dam, click here.

(updated 7-11-2024) Todd Gadberry at Mountain Harbor Resort and Spa (870-867-2191/800-832-2276 out-of-state) said black bass are still fair. Try a topwater bait near main lake and secondary points or a Texas-rigged Ole Monster worm near brush. Walleye are still very good and being caught on nightcrawlers near structure with a drop-shot rig or a minnow-like jig. Stripers are good. These fish are being caught in the eastern portions of the lake and can be caught on umbrella rigs or live bait. Bream are very good and being caught on crickets and worms in the 15- to 25-feet range. Crappie are still fair. Try minnows or small jigs over structure in the 15- to 20-feet range. For catfish try stink bait or cut bait on a rod-and-reel setup in the 10- to 20-feet range; especially near structure and brush. Water temperature on Wednesday is still in the 80-86 range. Water clarity is clear. Lake level is at 576.09 feet msl, down a little from this time last week. Call the Mountain Harbor fishing guides (Mike Wurm, 501-622-7717, or Chris Darby, 870-867-7822) for more information.


Blue Mountain Lake
For the Army Corps of Engineers’ real-time lake level and outflow reports from Blue Mountain Lake, visit the Corps’ Little Rock office website.


East Arkansas

White River/Clarendon Area
For the Army Corps of Engineers’ real-time gauge level and flow from Clarendon, visit the Corps’ Little Rock office website.


Horseshoe Lake
(updated 7-3-2024) Kent Williams of Oxbow Guide Service (870-278-7978) says the fishing has been unchanged for a couple of weeks now. The water looks good for this time of year and is a little low. 

“For crappie, it’s the same ol’ song,” he said. “The fish just don’t seem interested in any bait. LiveScope shows fish, but it is difficult at best to get them to bite. One trip this week we had 12 fish over 10 inches caught. The pads seem to be the same. Smaller fish are biting, but just a few of them. Hopefully things will change in the upcoming weeks.”

He had no reports on bass, catfish or bream.


Cook’s Lake
(updated 6-27-2024) The AGFC’s Wil Hafner at Cook’s Lake Nature Center (501-404-2321) says the lake level has held steady for the last week and has begun to clear up. Water temperatures are around 90 degrees. “Fish catching has still been slow at best, but we are hoping stable conditions will increase the bite soon.
“I would focus on hollow trees and laydowns for all species. For bass, I would flip a Texas-rigged black and red plastic or green pumpkin jig. For bream and crappie, I would jig a 1/32-ounce black and chartreuse jig in the same areas.
“I have heard that the action is starting to heat up on several White River lakes in the area.”

Cook’s Lake is nestled in the heart of the Dale Bumpers White River National Wildlife Refuge near Arkansas County. This fertile oxbow has slab crappie, black bass, bream and every species of catfish and receives very little fishing pressure due to being used only for education purposes and youth and mobility-impaired fishing. Cook’s Lake is open to fishing for youths under 16 or mobility-impaired anglers who must possess the AGFC mobility-impaired access permit, and up to two guests (who may also fish), during the specified fishing season. Fish from the 140-foot mobility-impaired accessible dock or launch a boat. Fishing will be allowed only on Fridays and Saturday through August, 8 a.m.-4 p.m., water level pending. Before launching, please check in at the Nature Center classroom and report back before leaving. For information or unscheduled closures, please call the center at 501-404-2321.


Note: msl is mean sea level; cfs is cubic feet per second.

The post Arkansas Wildlife Weekly Fishing Report appeared first on Arkansas Game & Fish Commission.

Arkansas Wildlife Podcast explores hunting in velvet, spears and straight-walled cartridges Thu, 11 Jul 2024 13:41:13 +0000 The post Arkansas Wildlife Podcast explores hunting in velvet, spears and straight-walled cartridges appeared first on Arkansas Game & Fish Commission.


LITTLE ROCK — The 2024-25 hunting season will likely go down as a season of change for many Arkansas outdoorsmen and women. Although more than 130 regulations changed during the regulations-setting process completed in June, most modifications were clarifications or tweaks to existing codes. A few major changes, however, have piqued the interest of many Arkansans. Trey Reid, host of Arkansas Wildlife Podcast sits down with Luke Naylor, AGFC chief of wildlife management, to chew the fat on some of the more prominent changes hunters should be aware of when preparing for fall.

Click here to listen on the AGFC’s YouTube channel, or download the podcast through your favorite podcasting platform here.

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Fish, wildlife habitat falls from the sky at Nimrod Lake Wed, 10 Jul 2024 21:11:35 +0000 The post Fish, wildlife habitat falls from the sky at Nimrod Lake appeared first on Arkansas Game & Fish Commission.


PLAINVIEW — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission is planting the seeds of success for future fish and waterfowl habitat at Nimrod Lake in Perry and Yell counties, and it’s using an interesting delivery system.

Specially rigged agricultural airplanes dropped thousands of pounds of millet seed on the exposed mudflats of Nimrod Lake during its scheduled summer drawdown to boost the productivity of the system for fish as well as wintering waterfowl and other wildlife later this year.

“We performed two seeding flights in late June and early July,” Jason Jackson, Wetlands Program Coordinator for the AGFC, said. “The soil on the lakebed has other seeds in the seedbank that will sprout as well, but we’re hoping to maximize the benefit of vegetation with fast-growing millet that provides a lot of energy for wildlife once it forms seed heads.”

Nimrod Lake has been undergoing a drawdown since mid-May in a cooperative effort between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the AGFC. The USACE is using the drawdown to repair channel markers, boat launch ramps and swim beaches, but a major benefit to the lake will be from the resprouting of terrestrial vegetation on the exposed lakebed.

According to Frank Leone, regional fisheries supervisor for the AGFC, the millet seeding will benefit the fishery in multiple capacities. Increased vegetation helps filter sediment from the water, improving water clarity. It also provides cover for baitfish and young-of-the-year sportfish. As it decomposes, it also acts as a fertilizer, providing nutrients for insects, crustaceans and other organisms at the base of the food chain, boosting the health of the fishery.

“You also see increased foraging opportunities for predatory fish during the drawdown itself, just like when we have winter drawdowns,” Leone said. “Putting the food within easy reach of sportfish like bass and crappie can temporarily increase growth rates in those species.”

The seeds from the millet also will offer high-energy duck food to migrating and wintering waterfowl that fly to and through this portion of The Natural State.

The lake will be held near elevation 337 until Oct. 1, when it will be returned to its winter conservation elevation of 342.

All swim beaches are closed during the drawdown, and boat access is limited to temporary ramps at Anderson Branch and Carden Point Park.

Skiing, tubing, and the use of personal watercraft will be prohibited during the drawdown. Boaters are encouraged to wear a life jacket and exercise caution during the drawdown as submerged stumps and shallow areas will be more prominent, especially in boat lanes.

For more information about the drawdown, contact Nimrod Lake at (479) 272-4324.

Recreation information can be found on the Internet at, on Facebook at and on X (Twitter) at





Contractors with the AGFC have completed two of three scheduled aerial seeding flights at Nimrod Lake to add fish and waterfowl habitat. 

Thousands of pounds of millet seed have been loaded into agricultural airplanes to seed exposed mudflats at Nimrod Lake during its scheduled summer drawdown. 

Exposing the lakebed allows sediment to compact and vegetation to grow, revitalizing the base of the food chain. 

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Fish kills natural summer phenomenon on small waters Wed, 10 Jul 2024 18:22:52 +0000 The post Fish kills natural summer phenomenon on small waters appeared first on Arkansas Game & Fish Commission.


LITTLE ROCK – Anyone who has ever had their breath taken away after sitting in a car that’s been parked in the summer sun will tell you that even a momentary drop in oxygen can turn things upside down. The same holds true for fish if the dissolved oxygen in a pond or lake crashes.

According to Eric Brinkman, Assistant Chief of Fisheries for the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, fish kills associated with low oxygen levels can be common in many small bodies of water during summer.

“It can happen on any body of water or a section of a body of water, but the most common places we get fish kills like this are smaller ponds on people’s property,” Brinkman said.

Brinkman says the factors leading up to a fish kill because of low oxygen are more complex than the simple fact that hot water holds less oxygen.

Life Overload
“There’s a lot going on in summer,” Brinkman said. “Fish are cold-blooded creatures, so their metabolism rises with the temperature. A higher metabolism means more activity and more oxygen demand.”

The amount of life in the system also is at its peak. Fish and insects that hatched all spring add more demand for the dissolved oxygen available.

“Summer also brings an abundance of vegetation, phytoplankton and zooplankton,” Brinkman said. “Which all use oxygen as well.”

It’s common knowledge that plants provide oxygen when they create sugars through photosynthesis, but few people realize those same plants use part of that oxygen when they use those stored sugars to survive.

“An abundance of fish, insects and plankton can consume a lot of dissolved oxygen, especially at night or during prolonged periods of cloudy weather, when photosynthesis slows due to lack of sunlight,” Brinkman said.

Many fish kills associated with this sort of oxygen depletion occur in the very early morning, when oxygen levels are at their lowest, but they may happen at any time of day if cloud cover has prevented photosynthesis for multiple days.

In the case of a recent fish kill on Lake Conway, the primary culprit likely was low oxygen as a result of this overabundance of fish and vegetation.

“The fish that once occupied nearly 6,000 acres of water are now sharing 2,000 acres, so oxygen is at a premium,” Nick Feltz, fisheries supervisor at the AGFC’s Mayflower Office, said. “This was inevitable and is one of the reasons we lifted the limits on fishing since the announcement of the drawdown last year. Most of the fish we’ve seen affected by this fish kill were drum, yellow bass and other rough fish, but a few largemouth bass, crappie and catfish have been seen as well.”

Feltz says he expects to have additional natural fish kills on portions of Lake Conway throughout the drawdown.

“This was by no means a complete kill, and there are a lot of fish still in the lake,” Feltz said. “It’s entirely possible to have additional fish kills until the amount of fish in the lake matches the new water level available.”

One Bad Turn(over)
Fish kills resulting from low oxygen also can happen during sudden events called “turnover.”

During the hottest part of summer, water will form two distinct layers. The upper layer will be warmer and contain most of the oxygen. The bottom layer will be cold, and contains little or no oxygen. Most fish will be in the upper layer of the water column, often very close to where the two sections meet – called the thermocline.

A cool rain or extreme cold front can cool the surface layer too rapidly, causing it to drop to the bottom of the pond. This forces the oxygen-poor layer to the surface where the fish are holding. The rapid drop in oxygen causes large fish kills.

No matter the cause of oxygen loss, the best solution is aeration.

“Oxygen diffuses into the water from the surface quicker if there’s a lot of splashing and wave action,” Brinkman said. “On our hatcheries and on many farms with the proper equipment, a paddle-wheel aerator will get oxygen back into the system efficiently. A lower-cost option for ponds and small lakes is an aeration fountain to cause an adequate disturbance.”

Brinkman says once fish begin to go belly up, there’s not much that can be done, but investing in aeration definitely guards against oxygen loss and helps prevent the water from stratifying. Manually aerating large lakes isn’t possible due to the extremely large volume of water to be aerated.

Another piece of advice for would-be pond owners is to limit the maximum depth of any small pond you build to less than 10 to 12 feet. Shallower systems do not stratify or turnover as easily.

“Many people think you should have some deeper water for fish to use as refuge during the hot summer months, but it’s actually a bad idea when you’re talking about smaller ponds,” Brinkman said.

Too Fertile?
Anything that adds nutrients to the system during summer also can increase the demand for oxygen. Overabundant fertilization, runoff from agriculture or sewage treatment areas and livestock waste all can increase the fertility of the system too much and eventually lead to a crash.

Telltale indicators that you may have a turnover occurring on a pond are an overnight change in the water color from relatively clear to a “chocolate milk” appearance, a foul, rotting smell and fish opening their mouths, or “piping,” at the surface of the water. These symptoms are much more prevalent in the morning just as the sun rises.

If a person sees a fish kill, they can call their local AGFC office and ask to speak to a fisheries biologist. They can walk you through a series of questions to determine whether the kill is due to oxygen depletion or if other factors are at play. A list of regional offices is available at

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Leftover WMA Deer Hunt Permit sale begins July 15 Wed, 10 Jul 2024 13:41:04 +0000 The post Leftover WMA Deer Hunt Permit sale begins July 15 appeared first on Arkansas Game & Fish Commission.


LITTLE ROCK — Nearly 700 permits to participate in special deer hunts at Arkansas wildlife management areas will be available for purchase beginning 9 a.m. Monday, July 15. These permits cover modern gun, alternative firearms, youth and mobility-impaired hunts that weren’t awarded through the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s annual WMA deer permit drawing earlier this month.

Each permit will be sold for $5. A hunter may purchase one permit for each of the remaining WMA permit hunts, and there is no limit to the amount of permits a person may buy. However, many of the remaining hunts are on the same days, so hunters should pay attention to the dates as well as the location before purchasing.

Some highly sought-after WMAs were completely filled during the special draw, but permits remain for a few excellent WMAs. Modern gun users have 214 leftover permits for purchase covering three WMAs; youth hunters can pick among 50 permits covering four WMAs; 28 permits are left for the mobility-impaired hunters at Freddie Black Choctaw Island WMA on Oct. 19-21; and alternative firearms (formerly muzzleloader) hunters have 400 permits for sale covering seven WMAs.

The leftover permit sale is on a first-come, first-served basis, and the purchase may be made online (, click “Buy Licenses/Check Game” on the upper right side of the website).

Visit to see a list of available permits.

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Increased enforcement efforts bolster safe waters during holiday weekend Tue, 09 Jul 2024 17:48:21 +0000 The post Increased enforcement efforts bolster safe waters during holiday weekend appeared first on Arkansas Game & Fish Commission.


HOT SPRINGS — Game wardens patrolling Natural State waterways reported no boating fatalities over the course of last weekend’s Independence Day celebrations, thanks in part to increased boating safety presence throughout the state.

According to Sydney Grant, boating law administrator for the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, 121 AGFC game wardens worked 2,400 hours, patrolling rivers, lakes and streams July 4-6, and contacted more than 11,250 individuals during their annual Operation Dry Water effort.

“There were a few boating accidents reported, but that zero fatality number is always encouraging,” Grant said. “But we still have some room to improve, especially when it comes to boating under the influence.”

According to Grant, 23 boaters were arrested for boating while intoxicated during the holiday weekend, with the highest level of intoxication being nearly three times the legal limit.

As part of Arkansas law, those boaters not only will face heavy fines, but they also likely will lose their ability to operate a vehicle on Arkansas’s roads.

Col. Brad Young, chief of the AGFC Enforcement Division, praised the officers involved in the increased boating safety effort.

“Taking those 23 impaired boaters off the water likely prevented some major disasters and saved lives during a weekend reserved for celebration,” Young said. “I am extremely proud of our men and women out there making sure everyone made it home safely to remember their time on Arkansas’s waters.”

Grant said the lifesaving measures didn’t stop with boating-under-the-influence checks. Lack of properly fitting life jackets, reckless boating and other violations were reported as well.

“Out of the 3,659 vessels contacted, 534 contacts uncovered a violation,” Grant said. “In 346 of those cases, wardens were able to issue a warning as soon as the violation was rectified; the remaining 188 were severe enough to warrant a citation.”

With well over a month of prime boating weather still to come, Grant reminds everyone to do their part to help keep Arkansas’s waterways safe.

“We want everyone to enjoy boating, angling and paddling in The Natural State, but we have to do it responsibly,” Grant said. “High-traffic times like holiday weekends are critical, but every time you’re on the water is a time to remember safe and courteous boating. We’re all out there to have fun, and winding up in jail or the hospital because of poor judgment isn’t very fun at all.”

Operation Dry Water (ODW) is a national initiative aimed at reducing alcohol- and drug-related incidents and fatalities on the water.




Arkansas game wardens contacted 11,258 boaters July 4-6 to ensure safety during the holiday weekend. Photo by Tanner Mills, AGFC.

Twenty-three people were arrested and removed from Arkansas’s waters over the weekend because they were boating while intoxicated. Photo by Mike Wintroath, AGFC.

Arkansas game wardens patrolled large lakes, streams and rivers to ensure everyone enjoyed the Independence Day holiday responsibly. Photo by Tanner Mills, AGFC.

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Sanders announces Chris Caldwell as newest Arkansas Game and Fish Commissioner Mon, 08 Jul 2024 21:20:17 +0000 The post Sanders announces Chris Caldwell as newest Arkansas Game and Fish Commissioner appeared first on Arkansas Game & Fish Commission.


LITTLE ROCK – Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders today announced that Chris Caldwell will serve as the newest Arkansas Game and Fish Commissioner. Caldwell’s seven-year term will last until 2031. He is replacing outgoing Commission Chairman Stan Jones, and John David “J.D.” Neeley will become the Commission Chairman.

“Chris is a great friend and trusted advisor. I know how much he loves Arkansas, how much he adores hunting and fishing and the Arkansas way of life, and how hard he will work every single day in this role,” Gov. Sanders said.

“Hunting and fishing have always been a big part of my life, and I’m proud to join the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission and help provide the same opportunities I enjoyed to every kid and family in Arkansas,” Caldwell said. “I’m grateful that the Governor has selected me for this role and look forward to working with her and every Commissioner to help make Arkansas the best state in the nation to hunt, fish, live and raise a family.”

Caldwell is a Saline County native who lives in Little Rock and leads Caldwell Consulting, a full-service lobbying, government relations and political consulting firm. He previously managed the Sarah for Governor campaign and served as a special advisor to the Governor-elect’s transition team. During the Trump administration, Caldwell was unanimously confirmed by the U.S. Senate to serve as the Federal Co-Chairman of the Delta Regional Authority. He also served on Senator John Boozman’s official staff and held senior leadership roles on several campaigns in Arkansas and around the country.

Caldwell is a University of Arkansas graduate. He and his wife, Ashley, have two children, Harley and Amelia.




Gov. Sanders announced Saline County native Chris Caldwell as the AGFC’s latest commissioner. His term will last until June 30, 2031.

Commissioners Bill Jones (Pine Bluff) and Phillip Tappan (Little Rock) welcome Chris Caldwell to the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission at today’s announcement. 

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