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Fishing License Descriptions and Fees

Which license do I need to fish for game fish in Arkansas?

If you are 16 or older, you must carry a valid fishing license to take or attempt to take aquatic wildlife in Arkansas, unless you are fishing in a licensed “put-and-take” pay lake.


A trout permit is required to fish for trout in certain waters (tailwaters below Beaver Lake, Bull Shoals Lake, Norfork Lake, Greers Ferry Lake, Lake Greeson or east of Highway 59 on Spavinaw Creek) or to keep trout from any Arkansas waters.


License and DescriptionCostObtain
Combination Sportsman’s License (CS)
Entitles holder to the privileges of the Resident Sportsman’s License (RS) and the Resident Fisheries Conservation License (FSH). Valid through June 30.$35.50Online
Regional Offices
Resident Fisheries Conservation License (FSH)
Entitles a resident to fish the waters of the state with sport fishing tackle. A Resident Trout Permit also must be purchased to retain trout or to fish in certain waters.$10.50Online
Regional Offices
Resident 3-Day Trip Fishing License (RT3)
Entitles a resident to fish the waters of the state with sport fishing tackle for the three-day period specified. A Resident Trout Permit also must be purchased to retain trout or to fish in certain waters.$6.50Online
Regional Offices
Resident Trout Permit (TPR)
Required to retain trout or to fish in certain waters. Not required for holders of the nonexpiring $1,000 Lifetime Resident Hunting and Fishing Sportsman’s Permit or for holders of the 65 Plus Lifetime License and Trout Permit.$10.00Online
Regional Offices
Nonresident Trout Permit (TPN)
Required of a nonresident to retain trout or to fish in certain waters in addition to a Nonresident Annual or Trip Fishing License.$20.00Online
Regional Offices
Alligator Gar Fishing Permit (AGP)
Required to fish for alligator gar. Permit expires Dec. 31. An Alligator Gar Trophy Tag (AGT) is also required to harvest an alligator gar over 36 inches. Apply Nov. 1-Dec. 31.FreeOnline
Nonresident Annual Fishing License (NRF)
Entitles a nonresident to fish the waters of the state with sport fishing tackle. A Nonresident Trout Permit also must be purchased to retain trout or to fish in certain waters.$60.00Online
Regional Offices
Nonresident 3-Day Trip Fishing License (NT3)
Entitles a nonresident to fish the waters of the state with sport fishing tackle for the three-day period specified. A Nonresident Trout Permit also must be purchased to retain trout or to fish in certain waters.$30.00Online
Regional Offices
Resident Fishing Guide License (GLF)
Required of a resident who guides, aids or assists another person for pay or other consideration in the taking of fish. This license does not include fishing privileges.$25.00Online
Regional Offices
Nonresident Fishing Guide License (GNF)
Required of a nonresident who guides, aids or assists another person for pay or other consideration in the taking of fish. This license does not include fishing privileges.$500.00Online
Regional Offices
White River Border Lakes License (WRL)
Entitles Arkansas resident fishing license holders to fish in the Missouri waters of Bull Shoals, Norfork and Table Rock lakes without a nonresident fishing license from Missouri.$10.00Online
Regional Offices
Resident 3-Year Disability License (RDF) | Application
Entitles a resident to fish the waters of the state with sport fishing tackle. A Resident Trout Permit also must be purchased to retain trout or to fish in certain waters. Holders of this license, along with another licensed individual to assist, may fish at Family Fishing locations.$10.50AGFC Headquarters
Commercial Fisherman’s Permit and Sport-fishing License (CFS)
Entitles a resident to fish waters of the state with commercial fishing tackle. This license is available at the AGFC Little Rock Office.$25.00AGFC Headquarters
65-Plus Lifetime Fishing License | Application
Entitles Arkansas residents 65 or older to the privileges of the Resident Fisheries Conservation License. A lifetime trout permit (purchased once after age 65) must be purchased to fish in certain waters. Proof of age and one year of Arkansas residency are required.$10.50Online
Regional Offices
Nature Centers
65-Plus Lifetime Combination License | Application
Entitles Arkansas residents 65 or older to the privileges of the resident Sportsman’s License (hunting) and the Resident Fisheries Conservation License. A Resident Trapper’s Permit is required to trap furbearers. HIP registration is required to hunt migratory game birds. To hunt waterfowl, a state lifetime waterfowl permit (purchased once after age 65) and federal waterfowl stamps are required in addition to HIP. A lifetime trout permit (purchased once after age 65) must be purchased to fish in certain waters. Proof of age and one year of Arkansas residency are required.$35.50Online
Regional Offices
Nature Centers
65-Plus Lifetime Trout Permit (PLT) | 
The lifetime trout permit is available from the AGFC Little Rock Office and AGFC regional offices. If you wish to purchase a license in person, bring proof of your age, such as a driver’s license, birth certificate or military record and proof of one year of Arkansas residency, in the form of an Arkansas driver’s license or state I.D. card.$10.00Online Regional Offices
Nonexpiring Lifetime Resident Hunting and Fishing Sportsman’s Permit | Application
Entitles purchasers of any age to the privileges of the Resident Sportsman’s License (hunting) and the Resident Fisheries Conservation License (fishing). Fees for trout permits, leased lands permits, alligator permits, elk permits, state waterfowl stamps and wildlife management area permit hunts are waived with this license. License holders must apply, however, for WMA hunts, be successfully drawn and return notification of acceptance before being issued a permit. HIP registration is required to hunt migratory game birds. To hunt waterfowl, federal waterfowl stamps are required in addition to HIP. This license is available at the AGFC Little Rock Office.$1000.00AGFC Headquarters Regional Offices
Resident 3-Year Disability Combination License (RDC)
Entitles all totally and permanently disabled persons privileges of the Resident Sportsman’s License (hunting) and the Resident Fisheries Conservation License (fishing). Harvest Information Program (HIP) registration is required to hunt migratory game birds. To hunt waterfowl, state and federal waterfowl stamps are also required. A trout permit must be purchased to fish in certain waters. Disability certification from Social Security Administration, Veteran’s Affairs or Railroad Retirement and proof of 60 days Arkansas residency is required. Valid for three years from date of purchase; recertification is required for license renewal. This license is available at the AGFC Little Rock Office.$35.50AGFC Headquarters
Mobility-Impaired Access Permit 
Mobility impaired classificaiton: cannot walk without the permanent use of a brace, cane, crutch, prosthetic device, wheelchair, or walker; permanently restricted by lung disease to such an extent that the person’s forced (respiratory) expiratory volume for one second, when measured by spirometry, is less than one (1) liter, or the arterial oxygen tension is less than (60) mm/hg on room air at rest; permanent condition which requires the use of portable oxygen or that the person’s functional limitations are classified in severity as Class III or Class IV according to standards set by The American Heart Association. This license is available at the AGFC Little Rock Office.FreeAGFC Headquarters